Greetings H2BN You All Know My Motto is Your "Wealth is Your Health" & Your "Health is Your Wealth" & I Have Been Very Successful In Helping My H2BN Clients Loose Weight Naturally Especially The Fat Stomach Through Juicing & Of course Changing Your BAD Junk Food Eating Habits No Red Meat No Diary No White Flour White Rice White Bread White Sugar No High Fructose & Corn Syrup No Soda No Fast Food No Processed Food Just Fruits Vegetable Nuts Healthy Snacks Water & Exercise Walking is the best take daily walks to help you loose the weight this juice is the "Gut Buster Power Drink" This is Only For Miami Residents This Juice Only Last 3 Days Freshness Then it will Go Bad Spoil. Once You Place Your Order I will Place Your Order & Contact You when it's Ready So That You May Pick it Up We Make 32oz recycled glass bottle Green Juice which is $35
Also & We Make A 64oz Gallon Recycled Glass Bottle is $55 U have to contact us to oder a 32oz & 64oz In the event you purchase the 16oz and would like a larger size please contact us if you have any question & U Can Bring Your 32oz & 64 oz Jars Please Know that your health is your wealth and would you really like to loose weight the Natural way you have to be determine and stick to incorporating juicing into your food regiment better known as diet and be consistent there is only 7 days in a week so the juice last 3 days some stretch it to 5 days me I drink my juice last up 3 days bcuz it start tasting funny like it is going bad and I don't like that and can give you a stomach ache fresh is always best most folks spend more on eating out than how much it will cost you to juice and the benefit is you loose weight when you cut out all fattening foods and beer that cause you to have a ballon belly. Remember You Are what You Eat So Eat 2 Live & Not Live 2 Eat So Eat 2 Live Ya Dig 4ever Good Health& Wealth :) Here is One of My Clients That Really Luv'd The Juice I Made For Her & Starting Her New Year Off Eating Right 2 Loose Way No Surgery Needed Just Change Your Eating Habits & You Will Be Lean & Slim & Healthy & Happy 2 B Nappy :) & We All Know Nappy Means Natural :) & If U Don't Know Now U Know U Know U Know :) Here's My H2BN Video Our Client Luv'n The Juice & Starting Her Get Rid of The Gut Now :Client Testimony :)
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